long since my last post. Even longer since my last project! Just getting my imagination back full swing in the past couple weeks. Someone asked me recently how I get my inspiration and ideas and when I tried to explain this elusive thought process I actually felt a pretty big surge of creativity. I get inspired by words a lot, music in particular. I was also reminded of how much I like Bob Dylan and his lyrics. I think I may have worn out my CD the past few weeks but I now have a notebook full of sketches and thoughts so I just have to go from there to something I can actually show you!
I have also been doing more inchies since playing with the group. I put a few of my older ones up and will put some of the new ones up when I get them downloaded. They are so addictive!
I guess the grumpy fairy inchie is an pretty accurate picture of me this week. :) I have been sidetracked by a sprained knee from hiking about the mountains in November (it was worth it) and other STUFF! I am tired of the "stuff" I've let get in the way of being creativE and I'm tired of resting!!!!!! I can always think of how lucky I am and usually do but today I am being crabby...I'll be over it tomorrow! Anyway I am reading a wonderful book called "Life Is A Verb" and the author suggests, among other things, picking one artform to do in quanity as opposed to quality for 37 days. I think it would be fun to do "4x4" mini mixed media squares. Off to go see what all my creative blog friends have been doing and hope to have something to contribute to the creative flow very soon! Til then.....