Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When Life Permits I have A Little Fun

This just about sums up the new art adventure I'm doing. It's a Flickr group called CollagePlay and it's run by Nancy B at Something Two Crow About.We get a sheet of very disjointed images and you would be surprised at the wonderfully creative collages that come from this. These are my 2 first pieces and I love doing this. I'm at a point on my journey to being healthy that I have no idea from one day to the next what I will be able to do. So I am rolling with the punches and this is such a fun type of art to do and I can do it whenever I am feeling good. Love it!


Wildflowerhouse said...

How fascinating and so much fun. You have so much creative ability. I think my muse is on vacation somewhere over the Rainbow. LOL Sharon

Lynn said...

Hi Nan, I have also been thinking about joining this group, I so enjoy seeing the entries to the challenges they look fun and so out of my box. You obviously have the nack for it, great work :)