Friday, September 9, 2011

Still Here.... Not Really Art Related However

Every so often I go on a blog break. Sometimes it is because I just need a break from the computer. Sometimes it's because I am having health issues. Most recently it was a death in our family that just broke our hearts. My brother's beautiful wife, Beth, passed away in August. It was, to quote another person touched by her, an epiphany, for many of us. Personally I have spent some time reevaluating my life. How I spend time daily. My blog. My art. The people I choose to have around me. I think that's probably normal when awful things happen with seemingly no rhyme or reason.Through all this I have learned to really appreciate the friends who are there when you need them. And my wonderful husband. Time is just too precious to waste a moment of it.
I had just started taking Melody Ross's Soul Restoration class and it seems to parallel many of the feelings I'm having. I'm still working on that class. I highly recommend it. I put a picture of the cover below.

I also started a photography class this week with Candace Stringham called "Oh Shoot" and boy, do I love that. The world seems to take on a new face through the eyes of a camera lense.
Here's my first class assignment. A picture from the everyday. Something you walk by without paying attention too. Oh and how to blur the background!

I can't wait to learn more and more about my camera.

So my blog has been neglected a bit but I really do enjoy it and will pick back up slowly. I was reading a fellow blogger's dilemma about posting things other than what the regular reader has come to expect. She has struggled a bit with taking her blog off course from it's original content and adding personal posts in the mix. And I can relate. I've always tried not to get too personal either. It can be hard to read about someone else's pain when you are expecting a piece of art or having a tough day yourself. Maybe time is limited and you don't want to read about non art related subjects. I can understand that. But what I've discovered is that most people can benefit from a kind or encouraging word. And I like my blogging friends and I always wonder what happened to someone when they have been posting or participating in a challenge or class and suddenly disappear so I am going to include some personal posts from now on as well as some photography....I'll just make sure my post titles reflect the content in case it's not the day you need to be reading about my latest interest or life interruptions. :) Nan


Terry said...

So sorry for what you and your family are dealing with! The loss of a loved one is always so difficult and it does make you take a look at your own life! I found that blogging and crafting is what I needed to deal with a very difficult time. Take care and I am thinking about you!

Netty said...

dear Nan, am so sorry to hear of your loss, it really shakes us up when we lose someone close and its good to re-evaluate our lives. Good luck with the photography, I love the blurred background. Take care and sending you hugs, Annette x

Meggymay said...

A post that came from your heart and will touch many of us. take care. Yvonne x

Sue said...

So sorry to hear your sad news Nan, and I agree time is so precious, and we all should make the most of every minute spent with family and friends, but I know I'm guilty of wasting it on unimportant stuff.
I think going walkabout from blogging does us good - better to post when we want to rather than 'cos we think we have to.
Personally I love to see photographs and bit and pieces of whatever on blogs, it all adds to the mix,
Take care x

Lynn said...

Hi Nan, love the personal blog...I can already tell you are looking at life differently...keep positive-you're on the right track. Photo from cemetery came out great!!! Really enjoyed that day! I can't wait to see all the wonderful shots you take for the next few weeks!! Love you, Lynn

Lynn Stevens said...

Nan, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent loss. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I'm gald you are sharing some of your personal life after all we all need to vent sometimes Or just hear a kind word or two.

How awesome the photography class sounds. if I ever get a new camera I'll have to look into that too!

Look forward to seeing and hearing what else your up to.
hugs Lynn

Georgie Horn said...

I'm sorry for your loss Nan. I lost someone many years ago tragically and remember realizing just how short life is....

I'm afraid I share way too much personal stuff on my blog. I hope you'll come by for a visit and give me some feedback. Should I stop sharing so much!?

Elizabeth Claire said...

I just found a comment from you on my blog. Thank you so much for the kind words. I am sorry for the loss. I lost my sister in law a few years young and such a kind heart. They will always be an inspiration and will always be missed. It is such a great idea to take the time to re-evaluate and dedicate some time for restoration.. I have been away to much time from my blog but sometimes we need to prioritize and then get back with renew energy. So glad to meet you through art and blogging.

Georgie Horn said...

Stopping by to see how life's treating you since your sister in law passed away. Hope you're well. Come by for some puddin n pie!

Anita said...

I applaud you for your courage to share, to be transparent, to be vulnerable. Loss is loss but it's a beautiful thing when we can find meaning and purpose in it.

I love your new to it...will catch up reading in the days to come...
I recently started blogging am rather new to the world of blogging...but love it...

I completely understand the hesitation of sharing our troubles/burdens etc..haven't quite figured out how to share details I don't until and unless I can use it to share an uplifting message.

I am also new to photography...can't wait to learn how to blurry the background...but now I'm just trying to figure out which dslr camera to buy. I currently own the Nikon coolpix which has the attached lens...

ok sorry for the long comment,
love and light,

Anita said...

Oh, I almost forgot...I started Soul Restoration 1 this past summer but am stuck on week 5 (i think) but i do love art journaling...